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Geographical Names Board

Members are appointed to the Board in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 3 of the Geographical Names Act 1966. The Act allows for a total of nine members, four of which are those people who hold the office of, or are a respective nominee of: 

  • the Surveyor General of NSW 
  • the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment 
  • the State Librarian and 
  • the Department of Customer Service. 
The remaining five positions are nominated by: 
  • the governing bodies of the Local Government and Shires Association of New South Wales  
  • the governing body of the Royal Australian Historical Society 
  • the governing body of the Geographical Society of New South Wales 
  • the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council 
  • the Chairperson of Multicultural NSW. 
These members are appointed by the Governor and hold office for a period not longer than five years. They are also eligible for re-appointment after the completion of their respective term. 

Members of the board 

The following people are appointed as Board members as at May 2024.


Narelle Underwood

Narelle Underwood
NSW Surveyor-General (Chair)

Narelle Underwood is Surveyor-General of NSW and chair of the GNB. Narelle is also the Executive Director DCS-Spatial Services, part of the NSW Department of Customer Service.

A graduate of UNSW, Narelle has nearly 20 years’ experience across land development, infrastructure delivery, government policy and regulation having worked in both private industry and NSW public service. 

Narelle is a champion for women in leadership and STEM based careers. She was featured in the 2018 BLAZE Working Women, Public Leaders exhibition and was also listed in the inaugural NSW Top 50 Public Sector Women. In 2019 she was announced as a winner of the Emerging Leader in the Government or Public Sector category of the national Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards for her influence, leadership and contribution to the community. 



Lauryn Bae Brokate 
Representing Department of Customer Service (Deputy Chair) 

Lauryn Bae Brokate commenced as the Executive Director, Strategy in the Office of the Secretary, NSW Department of Customer Service in July 2021. Before this, Lauryn worked as Chief of Staff to the Secretary, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet.  

Prior to joining the NSW public service, Lauryn held leadership roles in the Commonwealth public service, including at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the former Department of Families, Housing, Community Service and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).  

Lauryn holds a Master of International Public Health from the University of NSW and an honours degree in International Development from La Trobe University. 



Aoife Wynter
Representing Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure 

Aoife Wynter BTP Hons RPIA (Fellow) has 25 years working within the NSW planning system in local and state government as well as private practice. She has comprehensive development assessment, statutory and strategic planning experience across NSW. She has worked extensively on land use planning policy with a particular focus on systems improvement and planning reform. Aoife is currently Director of Planning Panels within the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. In this role she coordinates panel functions at local and state level. Her team case manages regionally significant development which includes oversight of complex development across NSW.


Position Vacant
Representing NSW Aboriginal Land Council 




Richard Neville 
Representing State Library 

Richard Neville is the Mitchell Librarian and Director, Engagement at the State Library of NSW. With a research background in nineteenth century Australian art and culture, he curated numerous exhibitions and published widely on colonial art and society. He has also been extensively involved in the acquisition, arrangement, description and promotion of the Library’s renowned Australian research collections. 



Simon Chan 
Representing Multicultural NSW 

Simon Chan is the Director and Founder of Art Atrium, an art gallery exhibiting contemporary Australian, Asian and Aboriginal art and he is also a practising architect and Director of SCA Architects. Simon has been involved in a broad range of not for profit Foundations and community organisations. Simon is a Director on the Board of VisAsia at Art Gallery of NSW, Council member of the Power Institute Foundation for Art and Visual Culture at The University of Sydney, Board member of Multicultural NSW Advisory Board, Director on the Board of Parramasala and Board member of the Australian National Maritime Museum Foundation Board. Simon is also the President of Haymarket Chamber of Commerce, Committee Member of the NSW Government Chinese Garden of Friendship Advisory Committee, Director and former Chair on the Board of Aboriginal Benefits Foundation, Executive Committee Member of Contemporary Asian Australian Performance, Community Representative and member of the Woollahra Council Cultural Committee. Simon is a member of the Sydney Water Community Advisory Committee and the Public Officer and Executive Committee member of Chinese Australian Forum. Simon was the recipient of the inaugural NSW Premier's Multicultural Award for Arts & Culture in 2013.  

Cr Alice Glachan


Alice Glachan 
Representing Local Government 

Cr Glachan moved to Albury from Gilgandra as a six-year-old. Her father's career as an engineer in the Merchant Navy encouraged her to follow a similar path.

She joined the Navy Cadets in Year 12 and was the inaugural cadet unit leader. She completed an Arts Degree, majoring in Psychology and Geography as well as two Education qualifications before working as an Instructor Officer with the Royal Australian Navy.

It was here she met her husband Nicholas, an RN Officer. They lived in England for eight years, where Alice worked as an Academic Registrar and their two sons Fergus and Oscar were born.  They returned to Albury in 2001 and Alice worked as an Administrative Officer at La Trobe University before opening the Beacon Lighting franchise in Albury in 2007.

Cr Glachan was elected to Council in 2004 and served as Deputy Mayor for one term and then four consecutive terms as Mayor. Having been a Rotary Exchange Student she is now actively involved in Rotary and comes from a political family, as the daughter of former State Member for Albury Ian Glachan. Cr Glachan is a recipient of a 'Paul Harris Fellow', awarded by the Rotary Foundation.   

Carol Liston

Carol Liston AO 
Representing Royal Australian Historical Society 

Carol Liston AO is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Western Sydney University. She is former president of the Royal Australian Historical Society and co-editor of its Journal.

Her research covers early colonial history in New South Wales, with interests in people (convict, colonial born and free immigrant), local history, heritage and the built environment. Her particular interest is the colonial development of the County of Cumberland.

Her publications include histories of Campbelltown, Parramatta and Liverpool, biographies of Sarah Wentworth, Thomas Brisbane and accounts of social life under Governor Macquarie and the convict women at the Female Factory, Parramatta.

Her current research project with Dr Kathrine Reynolds is an investigation of convict women transported from Britain to New South Wales between 1800 and 1836. 



Dr Alanna Kamp 
Representing Geographical Society of NSW 

Dr Alanna Kamp (BA BSc (UNSW); PhD (WSU)) represents the Geographical Society of NSW on the Geographical Names Board. Dr Kamp is Lecturer in Geography and Urban Studies, School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University. She is academic member of the Challenging Racism Project (WSU), Diversity and Human Rights Research Centre (WSU), Young and Resilient Research Centre (WSU), and think-tank consortium Centre of Resilient and Inclusive Societies.  

Dr Kamp’s teaching and research contributions lie in the areas of Australian multiculturalism and cultural diversity, experiences of migration and settlement, racism and anti-racism, national identity, citizenship and intersectional experiences of belonging/exclusion. Her work utilises national-level quantitative methods as well as smaller-scale qualitative techniques that are influenced by multi-disciplinary research (post-colonialism, feminism, history, diaspora etc).  

Counsellors to the board  

The following people are appointed as Counsellors as at May 2024.

Prof. Jakelin Troy 
Advising on language matters 

Professor Jakelin Troy (Jaky) is Ngarigu of the Snowy Mountains southern NSW. Jaky started with the Geographical Names Board as a member during her time as Director, NSW Aboriginal Languages Research and Resource Centre within the Department of Aboriginal Affairs, in the early 2000s. She has continued with the Board since then as a Counsellor advising on languages matters in particular.

She is Director, Indigenous Research, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at The University of Sydney. Jaky is a leading researcher at Sydney, focusing her work on the disciplines of linguistics, anthropology, history, musicology and fine art. She is well known for her work with communities on the Aboriginal language of Sydney, and is currently working with her own community to renew the use of Ngarigu. She wrote the pioneering ‘NSW Aboriginal Languages Curriculum K-12’ for the NSW Board of Studies and was lead writer ‘Australian Curriculum – Languages: Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages’ for the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. She designed The University of Sydney’s ‘Ngarangun: Indigenous Research Strategy’ and oversees its implementation. Jaky established the ‘Sydney Indigenous Research Network’ as part of this work to support Indigenous researchers and research in Australia and overseas. In 2019 she was named as one of the Financial Review’s Top 100 Women of Influence in the category Innovation. 

Terry Kass
Advising on historical and geographical matters

Terry Kass, B.A. (Hons), M. A. (Hons), Ph.D is an independent consulting historian with many years of experience researching and writing local and regional history as well as  numerous reports for heritage assessments. He has a strong interest in local and regional history as well as the history of land settlement and surveying. Publications include histories of Parramatta, Grafton and surveying. Terry promotes the value of detailed archival research for local and regional history, particularly records regarding freehold land ownership and archival records regarding Crown Land. He has long been passionate about historical maps and plans. He has twice won the Phyllis Mander Jones Award from the  Australian Society of Archivists for his publications about archives, whilst a number of other books and projects have attracted awards from the National Trust of Australia, New South Wales branch. Terry brings that knowledge and experience to his role on the Geographical Names Board. 

Thomas Grinter 
Advising on GNB Policy

Thomas Grinter is the NSW Deputy Surveyor-General and Director of Survey Operations at DCS-Spatial Services. Thomas joined the surveying profession in 2005 and has been working in various roles within NSW government for the last 13 years. Thomas holds a Bachelor degree in Surveying, a Masters Degree in Engineering and is currently undertaking a Master’s Degree in Law. 

Julie Christie  
Advising on addressing matters

Julie represents Australia Post.

Marina DeGabriele 
Advising on Emergency Services matters

Marina represents Fire and Rescue NSW.  

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